

Notus 3J gr
Kopfbild 3 5J
Notus Lauf

News Notus

20. litter of Notus

20. litter of Notus

In the Kennel v.h. Rosenrijkerhof 3/2 puppies were born after Notus con Tilia and Guinnevere v.h. Rosenrijkerhof.

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18. Litter of Notus

18. Litter of Notus

In the Kennel vom Ammerländer Gulfhof the A-litter (7/4) was born after Notus con Tilia and Happy-Evje von der Moerser Grafschaft.

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17. litter of Notus

17. litter of Notus

In the Kennel vom Hanseatenhof the T-litter (0/3) was born after Notus con Tilia and Kuba vom Hanseatenhof.

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16. Litter of Notus

16. Litter of Notus

In the Dutch Kennel van de Ganzenburcht 3/5 puppies were born after Notus con Tilia and Daisy van de Ganzenburcht.

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15. litter of Notus

15. litter of Notus

In the Belgian Kennel Ophinity Box 4/3 puppies were born after Notus con Tilia and Oh-Lala con Tilia.

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14th litter of Notus

14th litter of Notus

In the Kennel vom Fuchsort the D2-litter (3/4) was born after Notus con Tilia and Whitney vom Fuchsort.

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13. Litter of Notus

13. Litter of Notus

In the Kennel vom Freudenreich the K-litter (3/2) was born after Notus con Tilia and Goldmarie vom Freudenreich.

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12. litter of Notus

12. litter of Notus

In the Kennel Boxer la Via Verde the F-litter (5/1), was born after Notus con Tilia and Ariane la Via Verde.

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11. Litter of Notus

11. Litter of Notus

In the Kennel vom Rottland the second L-litter (1/4), was born after Notus con Tilia and Hava Royal.

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10. Litter of Notus

10. Litter of Notus

In the Kennel van Hilarius 2/1 puppies were born after Notus con Tilia and Wizard Indy van Hilarius.

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