Notus con Tilia

* 03.11.2017       ZBNR: 247003

HD A1, Herz 0, Spondylose 0


Sire:   Ch. Aristo von der Coeur

Klubsieger | Dt. Champion (VDH)

Körung A | IPO 3 | FH 2 | AD

HD A2 | Hz 0 | Sp 0

Dame: Hula Hoop con Tilia

IPO 1  | HD A | Hz 0


News Notus con Tilia

Notus 2
20. litter of Notus

20. litter of Notus

In the Kennel v.h. Rosenrijkerhof 3/2 puppies were born after Notus con Tilia and Guinnevere v.h. Rosenrijkerhof.

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Notus Training

Notus is a male with high drive, who loves to work with me. He is trained in working dog sport.

Notus is focussed on the work in all three parts (tracking, obedience,  protection). He works with tremendous willpower and at the same time good obedience.

It is a great pleasure to lead him in dog sports.